Learn more about CAMY's infographics that provide a visual guide to easily understand featured reports and fact sheets
Reducing Youth Exposure to Alcohol Advertising
on Cable TV Series
This is the first infographic in the series, "Reducing Youth Exposure to Alcohol Advertising on Cable TV," that offers a step-by-step visual on how to nearly eliminate all non-compliant alcohol advertising young people see on cable television.
To get more information on the content of this infograhic, please review the full report, Alcohol Advertising Compliance on Cable Television, July-September (Q3) 2015.
The second infographic in the series, "Reducing Youth Exposure to Alcohol Advertising on Cable TV," provides a quick and clear description of the data in the fourth quarterly report that assesses non-complaint alcohol advertising on cable TV based on the “no buy” list criteria and how this non-compliance varies by program.
To get more information on the content of the infographic, please review the full report, Alcohol Advertising Compliance on Cable Television, October-December (Q4) 2015.
Girls, Women and Alcohol
This infographic provides a visual representation of the data reflected in the "Girls, Women and Alcohol" fact sheet and highlights girls' alcohol advertising exposure by medium.