
Alcohol Advertising - Brands


Siegel M, Ross CS, Albers AB, DeJong W, King C, Naimi TS, Jernigan DH. The relationship between exposure to brand-specific alcohol advertising and brand-specific consumption among underage drinkers - United States, 2011-2012. The American Journal of Drug and Alcohol Abuse. 2015: 1-11. doi: 10.3109/00952990.2015.1085542.

Borzekowski DLG, Ross CS, Jernigan DH, DeJong W, Siegel M. Patterns of media use and alcohol brand consumption among underage drinking youth in the United States. J Health Commun. 2015;20(3):314-320. PMCID: PMC4451204

Roberts SP, Siegel MB, DeJong W, Naimi TS, Jernigan DH. Brand preferences of underage drinkers who report alcohol-related fights and injuries. Subst Use Misuse. 2015 Apr;50(5):619-929. PMCID: PMC4441549

Siegel M, DeJong W, Cioffi D, Leon-Chi L, Naimi TS, Padon AA, Jernigan DH, Xuan Z. Do alcohol advertisements for brands popular among underage drinkers have greater appeal among youth and young adults? Substance Abuse. 2015 May 11. PMID: 25961837. NIHMSID: 666085

Ross CS, Maple E, Siegel M, DeJong W, Naimi TS, Padon AA, Borzekowski DLG, Jernigan DH. The relationship between population-level exposure to alcohol advertising on television and brand-specific consumption among underage youth in the US. Alcohol Alcohol. 2015 May;50(3):358-364. PMCID: PMC4398991

Ross CS, Ostroff J, Naimi TS, DeJong W, Siegel MB, Jernigan DH. Selection of branded alcoholic beverages by underage drinkers. J Adolesc Health. 2015 May;56(5):564-570. PMCID: PMC4409663

Albers AB, Siegel M, Ramirez RL, Ross C, DeJong W, Jernigan DH. Flavored alcoholic beverage use, risky drinking behaviors and adverse outcomes among underage drinkers: results from the ABRAND study. Am J Public Health. 2015 May;105(4):810-815. PMCID: PMC4358196

Roberts SP, Siegel MB, DeJong W, Ross CS, Naimi T, Albers A, Skeer M, Rosenbloom DL, Jernigan DH. Brands matter: Major findings from the Alcohol Brand Research Among Underage Drinkers (ABRAND) project. Published online ahead of print on June 4, 2015. Addict Res Theory. doi:10.3109/16066359.2015.1051039. NIHMSID: 689919


Fortunato EK, Siegel M, Ramirez RL, Ross C, DeJong W, Albers AB, Jernigan DH. Brand­ specific consumption of flavored alcoholic beverages among underage youth in the United States. Am J Drug Alcohol Abuse. 2014 Jan;40(1):51-57. PMCID: PMC3872207

Albers AB, DeJong W, Naimi TS, Siegel M, Jernigan DH. The relationship between alcohol price and brand choice among underage drinkers: are the most popular alcoholic brands consumed by youth the cheapest? Subst Use Misuse. 2014 Nov;49(13):1833-1843. PMCID: PMC4192130

Siegel M, Chen K, DeJong W, Naimi TS, Ostroff J, Ross CS, Jernigan DH. Differences in alcohol brand consumption between underage youth and adults-United States, 2012. Subst Abuse. 2014 Jan 31; PMCID: PMC4141902

Siegel M, Ayers AJ, DeJong W, Naimi TS, Jernigan DH. Differences in alcohol brand consumption among underage youth by age, gender, and race/ethnicity- United States, 2012. J Subst Use. 2014 Jul25;1-9. NIHMSID: 599895

Kponee KZ, Siegel M, Jernigan DH. The use of caffeinated alcoholic beverages among underage drinkers: results of a national survey. Addict Behav. 2014 Jan;39(1):253-258. PMCID: PMC3882903

Nhean S, Nyborn J, Hinchey D, Valerio H, Kinzel K, Siegel M, Jernigan DH. The frequency of company-sponsored alcohol brand-related sites on Facebook™-2012. Subst Use Misuse. 2014 Jun;49(7):779-782. PMCID: PMC4410775

Naimi TS, Siegel M, DeJong W, O'Doherty C, Jernigan D. Beverage- and brand-specific binge alcohol consumption among underage youth in the US. J Subst Use. 2014 May 30;1-7. NIHMSID: 593030

Roberts SP, Siegel MB, DeJong W, Naimi TS, Jernigan DH. The relationships between alcohol source, autonomy in brand selection, and brand preference among youth in the USA. Alcohol Alcohol. 2014 Oct;49(5):563-571. PMCID: PMC4128668

Roberts SP, Siegel MB, DeJong W, Jernigan DH. A comparison between brand-specific and traditional alcohol surveillance methods to assess underage drinkers' reported alcohol use. Am J Drug Alcohol Abuse. 2014 Nov;40(6):447--454. PMCID: PMC4209179

Belt 0, Stamatakos K, Ayers AJ, Fryer VA, Jernigan DH, Siegel M. Vested interests in addiction research and policy. Alcohol brand sponsorship of events, organizations and causes in the United States, 2010-2013. Addiction. 2014 Dec;109(12):1977-1985. PMCID: PMC4228795

Ross CS, Maple E, Siegel M, DeJong W, Naimi TS, Ostroff J, Padon AA, Borzekowski DLG, Jernigan DH. The relationship between brand-specific alcohol advertising on television and brand-specific consumption among underage youth. Alcohol Clin Exp Res. 2014 Aug;38(8):2234-2242. PMCID: PMC4146644

Ross CS, Ostroff J, Siegel MB, DeJong W, Naimi TS, Jernigan DH. Youth alcohol brand consumption and exposure to brand advertising in magazines. J Stud Alcohol Drugs. 2014 Jul;75(4):615-622. PMCID: PMC4108602


Siegel M, DeJong W, Albers AB, Naimi TS, Jernigan DH. Differences in liquor prices between control state-operated and license-state retail outlets in the United States. Addiction. 2013 Feb;108(2):339-347. PMCID: PMC3529794

Albers AB, DeJong W, Naimi TS, Siegel M, Shoaff JR, Jernigan DH. Minimum financial outlays for purchasing alcohol brands in the U.S. Am J Prev Med. 2013 Jan;44(1):67-70. PMCID: PMC3527844

Siegel M, Grundman J, DeJong W, Naimi TS, King C, Albers AB, Williams RS, Jernigan DH. State-specific liquor excise taxes and retail prices in 8 US states, 2012. Subst Abuse. 2013; 34(4):415-421. PMCID: PMC3811037

Siegel M, DeJong W, Naimi TS, Fortunato EK, Albers AB, Heeren T, Rosenbloom DL, Ross C, Ostroff J, Rodkin S, King C, Borzekowski DLG, Rimal RN, Padon AA, Eck RH, Jernigan DH. Brand-specific consumption of alcohol among underage youth in the United States. Alcohol Clin Exp Res. 2013 Jul; 37(7):1195-1203. PMCID: PMC3655157

Siegel M, Johnson RM, Tyagi K, Power K, Lohsen MC, Ayers AJ, Jernigan DH. Alcohol brand references in U.S. popular music, 2009-2011. Subst Use Misuse. 2013 Dec; 48(14):1475-1484. PMCID: PMC3830686


DiLoreto JT, Siegel M, Hinchey D, Valerio H, Kinzel K, Lee S, Chen K, Shoaff JR, Kenney J, Jernigan DH, DeJong W. Assessment of the average price and ethanol content of alcoholic beverages by brand--United States, 2011. Alcohol Clin Exp Res. 2012 Ju1;36(7):1288-1297. PMCID: PMC3349795

Siegel M, Ross CS, King C, DeJong W, Naimi TS, Albers AB, Jernigan DH. The relationship between exposure to brand-specific alcohol advertising and brand-specific consumption among underage drinkers- United States, 2012.

Alcohol Advertising - Monitoring


Babor, T., Jernigan, D., Brookes, C. Special Issue: The regulation of alcohol marketing: From research to public health policy. Addiction, 112(S1): 1–127, 2017.


Lobstein, T., Landon, J., Thornton, N., & Jernigan, D. The commercial use of digital media to market alcohol products: a narrative review. Addiction, 2016.

Ross, CS, Brewer, RD, Jernigan, DH. The potential impact of a "no-buy" list on youth exposure to alcohol advertising on cable television. Journal of Studies on Alcohol and Drugs, 77(1):7-16, 2016.

Babor, TF. Editor's Corner: The role of public health surveillance in protecting young people from alcohol marketing. Journal of Studies on Alcohol and Drugs, 77(1):5-6, 2016.


Meisel PL, Sparks A, Eck R, Jernigan D. Baltimore City’s landmark alcohol and tobacco billboard ban: An implementation case study. Injury Control, 21(1):63-67, 2015.


Smith K, Cukier S, Jernigan D. Defining strategies for promoting product through ‘drink responsibly’ messages in magazine ads for beer, spirits and alcopops. Drug and Alcohol Dependence, 142:168-173, 2014.

Esser MB, Jernigan DH. Assessing restrictiveness of national alcohol marketing policies. Alcohol and Alcoholism, 49(5):557-562, 2014.

Ross, C., Ostroff J., Jernigan D. Evidence of underage targeting of alcohol advertising on television in the United States: Lessons from the Lockyer v. Reynolds decisions. Journal of Public Health Policy 35(1):105-118, 2014.

Jernigan D, Rushman A. Measuring youth exposure to alcohol marketing on social networking sites: Challenges and prospects. Journal of Public Health Policy 35(1):91-104, 2014.

Smith KA, Cukier S, Jernigan DH. Regulating alcohol advertising: Content analysis of the adequacy of federal and self-regulation of magazine ads, 2008-2010. American Journal of Public Health 104(10):1901-1911, 2014.


Jernigan D, Ross C, Ostroff J, McKnight-Eily L, Brewer RD. Youth exposure to alcohol advertising on television – 25 markets, United States. Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report, 62:997-880, 2013.

Ross CS, de Bruijn A, Jernigan DH. Do time watersheds for alcohol advertising reduce youth exposure? Journal of Public Affairs, 13(1):123-129, 2013.

Rhoades E, Jernigan D.  Risky messages in alcohol advertising, 2003-2007: Results from content analysis.  Journal of Adolescent Health, 52(1):116-121, 2013.


Jernigan, D.H.  Public health tools for holding self-regulators accountable: Lessons from the alcohol experience.  Health Promotion Practice, 12(3):336-340, 2011.

Jernigan, D.H. Framing a public health debate over alcohol advertising: The Center on Alcohol Marketing and Youth 2002-2008 Journal of Public Health Policy, 32(2):165-179, 2011.


Jernigan, D. H., Ross, C.  Monitoring youth exposure to advertising on television: The devil is in the details Journal of Public Affairs, 10(1-2):36-49, 2010.

Schwartz, M.B., Ross, C., Harris, J., Jernigan, D., Siegel, M., Ostroff, J., Brownell, K.D.  Breakfast cereal industry pledges to self-regulate advertising to youth: Will they improve the marketing landscape?  Journal of Public Health Policy, 31(1): 9-73, 2010.


King, C., Siegel, M., Jernigan, D., Wulach, L., Ross, C., Dixon, K., Ostroff, J.  Adolescent exposure to alcohol advertising in magazines: An evaluation of advertising placement in relation to youth readership.  Journal of Adolescent Health, 45(6):626-633, 2009.

Chung, P.J., Garfield, C.F., Elliott, M.N., Ostroff, J., Ross, C., Jernigan, D.H., Vestal, K.D., Schuster, M.A., Association between adolescent viewership and alcohol advertising on cable television.  American Journal of Public Health, 99(10): 1-8, 2009.

Alcohol Pricing


Esser M, Waters H, Smart, M, Jernigan DH. Impact of Maryland's 2011 Alcohol Sales Tax and Increase on Alcohol Beverage Sales. American Journal of Drug and Alcohol Abuse Published online ahead of print April 11, 2016. doi: 10.3109/00952990.2016.1150485.


Wagenaar A, Livingston MD, Staras S. Effects of a 2009 Illinois Alcohol Tax Increase on Fatal Motor Vehicle Crashes. American Journal of Public Health Published online ahead of print March 19, 2015: e1-e6. doi: 10.2105/AJPH.2014.302428. 


Staras S, Livingston MD, Christou AM, Jernigan DH, Wagenaar AC. Heterogeneous population effects of an alcohol excise tax increase on sexually transmitted infections morbidity. Addiction 109(6):904-912, 2014.

Alcohol Availability


Mosher J, Cohen E, Jernigan D. Commercial host (dram shop) liability: Current status and trends. American Journal of Preventive Medicine, 45(3):347-353, 2013.

Jernigan DH, Sparks M, Yang E, Schwartz R. Using public health and community partnerships to reduce alcohol outlet density.  Preventing Chronic Disease, 10:120090, 2013.





Jernigan DH., Trangenstein P., et al.  Global Developments in Alcohol Policies: Progress in Implementation of the WHO Global Strategy to Reduce the Harmful Use of Alcohol Since 2010. World Health Organization, 2017


Esser MB, Bao J., Jernigan DH., et al. Evaluation of the evidence base for the alcohol industry's actions to reduce drink driving globally. American Journal of Public Health 106:707-13.

Esser M. B., Gururaj, G., Rao, G. N., et al. Harms to adults from others’ heavy drinking in five Indian states. Alcohol and Alcoholism, 51(2):177-85.

Esser M. B., Rao, G. N., Gururaj, G., et al. Physical abuse, psychological abuse, and neglect: Evidence of alcohol-related harm to children in five states of India. Drug and Alcohol Review, 35(5):530-8, 2016.

Esser, M. B., Gururaj, G., Rao, G. N., et al. Harms from alcohol consumption by strangers in five Indian states and policy implications. Drug and Alcohol Review, doi: 10.1111/dar.12470.


Esser MB., Jernigan DH. Multinational alcohol market development and public health: Diageo in India. American Journal of Public Health 105:2220-7, 2015.

Jernigan DH., Babor T. The concentration of the global alcohol industry and its penetration in the African Region. Addiction 110(4):551-560, 2015.

Babor T, Jernigan DH., Robaina K. The influence of industry actions to increase availability of alcoholic beverages in the African Region. Addiction 110(4):561-571, 2015.


Limaye R, Rutkow L, Jernigan D, Rimal R. Informal alcohol in Malawi: Stakeholder perceptions and policy recommendations. Journal of Public Health Policy 35(1):113-131, 2014.


Babor T, Rehm J, Jernigan D, Vaeth P, Monteiro M, Lehman H.  Alcohol, diabetes and public health interventions in the Americas.  PAHO Bulletin, 32(2):152-155, 2012.

Jernigan, D.  Global alcohol producers, science and policy: The case of the International Center for Alcohol PoliciesAmerican Journal of Public Health 102(1):80-89, 2012.


Jernigan, D. The extent of global alcohol marketing and its impact on youthContemporary Drug Problems 37:57-89, 2010.


Jernigan, D.  The global alcohol industry: an overviewAddiction 104 (Supppl. 1): 6-12, 2009.